Dec 2, 2007

Recent event in Malaysia

Getting the online news regarding recent 2 massive street demonstration unfolded in KL is nerve wrecking, never see anything like this since the arrest of former deputy P.M . In just over a month period," People Power" of Malaysian is mobilized to demand a clean and transparent election in the country headed by BERSIH(a coalition of NGO and opposition parties).

Another rally is organized by HINDRAF, most of the complaints sound absurd if not ludicrous except one with credible fact, the spate of destruction of Hindu temples and destruction of sacred symbols like statue and idol by local enforcement officials over illegal use of state land is quite despicable and barbaric,places of worship should be respected by all,tearing it down to make way for commercial developer is blatant violation of freedom of religion, should be condemn in the strongest possible term by all ,the sanctity of religion shouldn't be violated for the interest of private developer,only wish that conflict of this nature can be taken care of with the utmost sensitivity and tolerance on the part of the government in the future.

Two groups of protesters, but faced with different treatment from Police force(mainly make up by ethnic Malay), the HINDRAF protesters (mostly Malaysian ethnic Indians) are being treated harshly with brute force , sprayed with chemical laced water canon and tear gas for exercising their constitutional right of peaceful assembly that resemble non violence civil disobedience movement during the fight for India independence from British colonist.

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