Jan 18, 2008

Malaysia Bridges


(USA): Reading about all the fusses about government decision to scrap the plan of building a "twisted' or "crook"bridge across the cause way connecting with Singapore. The original plan is to replace the present old bridge with this which is the idea of the former P.M.(Dr MM). Wondering why he is so full of anger when present cabinet decided to drop the project in favor of other much needy programs in the country,is it that the bridge is a reflection of himself during his 22 years of reign or because he is mad that the contractor's company who undertake this bridge project is owned by someone related to him.

Whatever the reason is, i am sure if we want to build a bridge connect with our neighbor, we should at least try to build one that look nice when view from the land or sky.
If we are not able to build one resemble the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge(Japan) or Sunshine Skyway Bridge(USA)like above, at least we can look ins
ide the country to find one suitable, in no further than our own backyard,there are several of them that can provide us with decent looks and practical daily uses, so please Dr MM, take a look of what i have posted here, may be you will be able to cheer up and get to live much more longer and healthier after this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dr MM is practically mad about almost every project the cabinet decided to ditch,as those "white elephants" are mega projects that mostly undertaken by companies owned largely by his cronies or family members.