To all my buddies and friends out there, if you happen to miss this one on local news or media in Malaysia (not sure the information is out or not), may be the following article will get some of your attention, came across the reward for this wanted dude in Philippine newspapers, thinking may be if you happen to spot him in "pasar malam" or kampong baru" or wherever it is, do not forget to call the number listed and enjoy a prosperous new year 2008 back home, i am sure his "dog ass" face will be easy to remember for most of you back home.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has authorized a new reward of up to $5 million for information leading to the arrest or conviction of Zulkifli bin Hir (a.k.a. Marwan), a terrorist believed to be involved in multiple deadly bomb attacks in the Philippines. Zulkifli bin Hir has been added to most-wanted list of the Rewards for Justice Program, administered by the Department of State’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security.
Zulkifli bin Hir is a Malaysian citizen born in 1966 in Muar, Johor. An engineer trained in the
Anyone with information on Zulkifli bin Hir, or on any past or planned act of international terrorism against
Hotline: 1-800-US-REWARDS (1-800-877-3927)
Mail: Rewards for Justice,
The identity of all individuals providing information will remain strictly confidential.
Since its inception, Rewards for Justice has paid more than $62 million to more than 40 people who have provided credible information that has brought terrorists to justice or prevented acts of international terrorism. Established by the 1984 Act to Combat International Terrorism, the program is administered by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security.
wah ! muar really produce talented people including terrorist lah pls check chuah soi lek 's family history may be his father also come from muar hah?
CSL to my knowledge is from B.P, he sure have talent in order to be a "big minister".
Well,Muar has its share of many talented persons but being a "terrorist" is definitely not a
talent, or express in a wrong way!
You do not have to be talented but cruelty and hate fill intent to be a
terrorist. my dear friend.
If your love one was killed by that "monkey" terrorist from muar, then you should credit him for his talent, anonymous.
To Annonymous;
If you believe terrorism is a "talent", then i will like to think you either do not understand the meaning of that word or suggest you get your little tinker box inside your head examine by a psychologist before starting to worship those terrorists. Oppp! i forget that you most probably are from "kampong" Malaysia.
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