Jane Lim has to attend training because her brother's death is not a valid reason for exemption even though her brother Ricky died nine days after his national service(NS) stint. Jane's parents Lim said they would not let their only surviving child go for training following Ricky's death.
Ricky, 20, died on Sept 15 after completing his three-month NS on Sept 6. The SMK Catholic High student did not complain of any illness or pain prior to his death but he did complain about the camp's hygiene and yellowish water supply.
Penang chief minister Mr. Lim Guan Eng urged the federal government to scrap the NS program if it cannot ensure the safety of the trainees but defense department officials claimed the trainees who died at the camps had the illnesses before joining the program, parent shouldn’t get too emotional about it.
Malaysia Started NS in 2003, it consists of three months stint of physical training. Total death toll = 21.
a) To increase and instill the patriotism spirit in the young Malaysians.
B) To promote race unity and national integration.
c) To shape positive attitude through pure moral values.
d) To ignite volunteerism spirit.
E) To produce confident, intelligent, and energetic young generation.
One of the basic difference between both countries is that Singaporean trainees were sent by helicopter to hospital within an hour of illness or accident, whereas the Malaysian trainees had been left to be sick and unattended for days; and normally referred only to paramedic or medical assistance in camp for treatment. Other factors cited are unhygienic meals and drinking water, lack of accountability and sense of urgency on supervisor and camp director.
My heart really goes out in tears to those who have trusted their children into the hands of these ministers…only to bring back dead bodies. Instead of getting to the root of all these avoidable deaths and put senses into the program, so a solution can be found to prevent further unnecessary loss of Malaysian’s life; authority refused to accept responsibility for negligent on their part and choose to shift blame while continue the program, authority need to realize that even the loss of one life during training period is way too many in peace time.
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