Thousand of anti government protesters poured into Thailand's main international airport Tuesday. The massive demonstration forced the cancellation of all departing flights, leaving thousand of tourists stranded.
The airport blockade is a fresh blow to Thailand's $16 billion a year tourism industry, already suffering from months of political unrest and the global financial crisis. Travelers appeared bewildered by the turn of events.
The alliance has staged a number of dramatic actions in recent months. It took over the prime minister's office in late August and twice blockaded Parliament — one time setting off street battles with police that ended with two people dead and hundreds injured; earlier in Bangkok, alliance's protesters opened fire on government supporters in a violent street clash. Support for the alliance has been waning in recent weeks, and the group appeared to be edging toward bigger confrontations — involving fewer though more aggressive followers — in hopes of creating chaos.
"Their goal is to prevent the government from functioning. They are getting increasingly desperate in their attempt to close the deal," said a political scientist at Bangkok's Chulalongkorn University. "They had been losing steam and have so far failed to achieve their goal. Now, they are openly creating instability and provoking a military coup."
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