Jan 3, 2008

Income Distribution

Last week I read an economic journal article about some of the latest development in our country economy sphere, it stated some figures regarding human development index (HDI) and Gini-coefficient number,it does look quite alarming to me when our HDI is approaching that of developed nation but our GC is moving higher,it shows that past decade of government policy emphasis on education and skill training for all Malaysians manage to push our index closer to that of Singapore, (probably other factors also play some roles) but benefit derive from it mostly are enjoyed by the well connected or special privilege group, as the GC showing the individual inequality distribution of income is higher, instead of narrowing the gap between the have and have not.

Isn’t it government policy is supposed to have prosperity and national wealth created distributed among a wider base of population to ensure a fairer share of nation wealth regardless of social status of its citizens, Or it doesn’t matter who actually benefited from all the economy policy in place?

Seeing at all these events going on in Malaysia for the past year, may be it is time for the policy makers especially the government economist to take a hard and closer look at NEP again and do some fine tuning to ensure we have a fairer distribution channel build into official system.

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