Jan 4, 2008

"Nuke" Trade

A Sri-lankan married a dignitary's daughter, acquired a naturalized Malaysian citizenship, joint business partnership with son of the most powerful man in the government, set up clandestine network of international supply of "nuke" component parts to an outlaw Pakistani nuclear scientist, the multi-million dollars operation managed to go on undetected for sometimes within the country until year back, when shipment of cargo by German shipping company was intercepted by US navy while heading toward Libya in international water, the whole episode of underground international "nuke" trade broker by this dude finally come to light upon the arrest of the scientist.

With the unfolding of events after the arrest, this dude manage to set foot back into Srilanka safely without any accountability to his illegal act and blantant violation of international law.Even in the most basic business transaction, manufacturer will know what their products are for and who are their clients, but by all account of the CEO working in the partnership operating in Malaysia, they flatly denied any knowledge of the actual use and purpose of the high-speed gas centrifuge parts that are used to produce weapons-grade uranium, instead claimed they are for oil and gas drilling tools.

Of course with all these high level connection well in placed in running a clandestine operation, it is extremely hard to prosecute, let alone an investigation can easily lost direction in the mid of all
these high level personnels involved, the quest for the truth will be very hard if not impossible.

Anyhow, Malaysians should realized that the international underground "nuke" trader has set eye in our beloved country, we shouldn't take it for granted, in no way we should condone or remain silent of those international syndicate of criminals trying to use our country for their illegal activities(our manufacturing base). Malaysia should sail along the righteous path of all civilized nations, and should resist being put in a tight spot with those rogue nations like Iran, N.Korea, Pakistan in charting our country destiny.

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