Jan 1, 2008


As a member of the 1st B.M G, i am trained to "Be Prepared" and disciplined, all these lessons are found to be really valuable for me later on, i always try to apply what i learned during those years in scouting whenever situation arise, it gives me the confidence and necessary skill to go outside my comfort zone, a scout normally can survive adverse environment by applying his knowledge in surviving skill, camp experience, endurance training and various techniques learned during his years in this group,it is not a surprise why this high school Muar group got that title, every members of this group has worked and fought hard to earn it, and yearly, the quest for "excellence" has become the norm for every 1st B.M G brother scout, this tradition of honor has become the hallmark of this troop struggle ever since its inception.

I would like to encourage every student in HSM to join it if they are looking for extra-curriculum activities,if you are not afraid of challenges,the 1st B.M.G will provide you with the necessary training ,skills and knowledges to handle future tasks and will always keep you in readiness.

For visitor to HSM:
If you're driving from Kuala Lumpur on the North South Expressway (NSE), take the Tangkak exit (Interchange 235) and drive on past Sg. Mati and Parit Bunga (on highway 23 and 5). Muar town is about 27km from the Tangkak exit. Muar High School is located near Jalan Meriam.

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