The lies he was educated in a Madrassa (private Islamic school) that he is a Muslim, "pal" with terrorist , a tax raising liberal or socialist by republican campaign machinery, and his wife terrorist connection published in New Yorker magazine are flatly untrue, downright low and dirty.
Mc Cain relentless campaign strategy is very much the undoing of his quest for presidency, his assertion of a strong America's economy fundamental in the mid of massive financial market meltdown and bailout, possibility of economy recession ahead showing his lack of touch with reality or intend to mislead American voters.
With his opponent cleverly linking him to an administration that is highly unpopular among Americans and his own claim of victory in Iraq where hundred of thousand Iraqi civilians, close to 5,000 US soldiers dead and million of displaced refugees is plain evil. Couple of days before Nov. 4th , the additional personal endorsement from Bush and Cheney of his candidacy manage to send the final blow to his defeat permanently.
Mc Cain criticism of Obama's youth and lack of experience as a president also contradict to his own selection of an unknown running mate from Alaska who has no experience at all in federal government and younger than his opponent show again that he has no clue of his own demand and statement about his opponent.
In economy good time, corporate executives got pay with hundred of million in salary and perks, while during bad time, government spend several hundred billions tax payers money to bail out corporations that pay million with that money to executives severance pay with golden parachute, with a congress and executives alike in the country, who needs another term of republican president ?

President -elect Obama grabs headlines in major newspapers around the world.
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