Dec 24, 2007


CCT, The so called "Animal Chow"( If you can still remember this nig name while we joked) I hope all these pictures will help you to re-kept some of our fond memory of yesteryears.Mind You;I still have plenty of it!
This was our blood,soul & spirit...Our fighting,Our struggle to excel.I can never forget and regret.I love you my Brothers.Remember what i say "The movement was for a better cause" I believe we have had earned and gained some from it.
Yours Brothery,( oR yOUR bLOODY yeo!?)

karen on the left,
Veron sing infront and Norli
strumming the guitar
Sea Scout -1978

Karen,Daisy,Norli,Veron,CC and Kim Kek

GANG SHOW in Datuk School-27/5/1978
Sketch show by 1st Muar Ranger
"Don't Cry Johnny"
AGONG SCOUT standardaization test on 5-6 January 1978

Founder's Day Competition-4/3/1978
Tent Pitching Champion( Muar Senior Group)

High School MuarInterect Club trip-Cameron Highland

Annual Scout trip Year 1977 to Cameron HighLand
Mr Teo was at the extream right,Boon Chiong was at your right.

The Rascal of 1978---Agong(king) Scout portrait.

The RASCAL,the thinker,the KIA- SU,the HOW_LIAN,the courageous, the brave and the LEADER of 1st.B.M.G (Agong Scout)


CT Chow said...

Thank you, Yeo Cheng Chuan for all these wonderful photo and your passion in our brotherhood.

Bravo!!!1ST B.M.G . Keep on shinning your "Guiding Light".

Anonymous said...

Aiyah.... nothing beats... the First Kuala Lumpur Scout Group of Victoria Institution... formed in 1896, probably the oldest scout group in the country... wondering whether they are still in action or not? Well, I was the only Italian scout there...

By the way... a good suggestion is to paste a before and after photo of you guys (interesting if the girls pictures get posted...) why don't you guys go and gett he photos of all the old comrades... that gives me an idea... cheerio...

CT Chow said...

Hi; Corleone,

First i want to thank you for your suggestion.

I assume you mean group before or after us(the KIA-SU n HOW-LIAN),that will be difficult for me, as you knowlah!it has been a long time already, those old films of other groups hard to come by,and i have no way to search for them other than photo of us.

May be i can ask Mr Yeo to see whether he has anymore girl guides photo to share in this blog.Just be patient!my friend.....